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Active Ingredients per KG
Sodium 120g | Potassium 12.6g |
Calcium 99g | Magnesium 12.8g |
Chloride 125.7g | Bicarbonate 68.1g |
Sulphate 42.5g | Choline 7,052mg |
Folic Acid 816mg | Inositol 8,775mg |
Vitamin B1 3,528mg | Vitamin B2 3,404mg |
Vitamin B6 199mg | Niacin 10,445mg |
Vitamin B12 14.34mg | Vitamin E 3,604mg |
Rutin 1,766mg | Phosphate 61.5g |
Heavy work/endurance 30-60g daily (dependant on temperature, humidity, sweating rate), also advisable to supply an additional 30g Salkavite in evening feed following hard work; Travelling horses 60-90g prior to journey in addition to 30g in water during transportation; Stallions (during breeding season) 30g daily; Yearlings (sale preparations) 30g daily.