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Aussie Sport is a comprehensive supplement containing essential bone minerals, trace-minerals and vitamins commonly low or inadequate in the diets of hard-working sporting horses.
The pelleted formula has been specifically designed to help meet the nutritional needs of Australian sport horses, working to maintain vitality, aid in recovery and optimise performance.
It is particularly beneficial for horses training and competing in disciplines involving sprint-style exercises, such as Roping, Barrel Racing, Reining, Campdrafting and Polocrosse.
Sport horses have higher requirements of essential trace-minerals and vitamins as they are required to perform more sprint style, short bursts of movement.
Aussie Sport has been designed by Australian equine veterinarian Dr John Kohnke to help meet these elevated nutritional needs, in a simple, comprehensive and easy to dose supplement.
Daily supplementation rates from 40 – 60 grams per day (for sporting horses 450 – 500 kg body weight) provide a practical guideline for supplementing the diets of horses in early training or regular work and competition.