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Product details

A unique and highly concentrated blend of quality B-group Vitamins, natural Vitamin E and critical electrolytes. • Post Strenuous Exercise Recovery Supplement • Highly Concentrated Source of B-Group Vitamins • Critical Electrolytes For Optimal Performance • Non-Invasive and Easy To Use • Rapidly Metabolized and Digested Available in 1ltr HYGAIN® RECUPERATE® may provide the following benefits to your horse’s diet: • More rapid recovery time • Improved muscle metabolism • Enhanced energy production • Stimulates thirst and appetite Horses that may benefit from additional supplementation with HYGAIN® RECUPERATE®: • Heavily exercised or stressed (transport) horses • Horses recovering from strenuous exercise
Active Constituents per 30ml dose Sodium 3,100mg Vitamin B1 60mg Magnesium 400mg Vitamin B2 63mg Calcium 610mg Vitamin B3 270mg Chloride 8,000mg Vitamin B6 50mg Potassium 3,500mg Vitamin B12 12.5mg Vitamin E 510 IU Folic Acid 8.1mg B Group Vitamins HYGAIN® RECUPERATE® contains high levels of B Group Vitamins which are essential for the equine athlete to function. B Group Vitamins are involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and amino acids to energy. Even though B Group Vitamins are generated within the body these cannot be stored in large quantities in the horse. Therefore, performance horses, horse’s that are traveling or undergoing stress, may require additional B Group vitamin supplementation. HYGAIN® RECUPERATE® contains particularly high levels of Vitamin B6 to further energy production and enzymatic activity. Further, Folic Acid is included in HYGAIN® RECUPERATE® to assist in the production of Vitamin B12, which in turn aids in the stimulation of appetite, metabolism and blood cell production. Electrolytes Electrolytes are electrically charged salts or ‘ions’ such as sodium, chloride, potassium, magnesium and calcium which are dissolved and carried in the blood and cell fluids. As salts dissolve in the blood and tissues of the body, electrolytes assist in preserving the correct balance of fluids both inside and outside the cells. Electrolytes also function in the generation of nerve impulses, contraction and relaxation of muscles, the beating of the heart and processing of wastes, in fact electrolytes are involved in virtually every function of the body. Sodium and Chloride: Common salt (NaCl), which is composed of two ions, sodium (Na+) and chloride (Cl-). They are the major electrolytes of the body. Potassium: One of potassium’s major roles is to maintain and ensure correct cellular osmotic pressure which affects the sensitivity of nerves and muscles to impulses. Horses suffering from a lack of potassium are prone to fatigue, muscle weakness, exercise intolerance, tying-up and decreased water intake. Magnesium: Magnesium plays a critical role as a co-factor in over 300 enzymatic reactions within the body. Magnesium is also required for muscle function and is essential for DNA to send messages to the cells.
HYGAIN® RECUPERATE® is suitable for all climates and conditions and levels of equine sports and disciplines. HYGAIN® RECUPERATE® can be administered orally over the tongue, added to horses drinking water or top dressed on feed. Dosage Post intense exercise or competition 30ml Post travel 30ml Ensure access to clean water post administration.

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