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Levamisole Hydrochloride

How do I use Sykes Big L Wormer for Poultry and Pigs?

Sykes Big L Wormer for Poultry and Pigs may be either mixed with the feed or given as a drench.


Drench- 5mL/10kg liveweight to a maximum of 70mL for pigs weighing 140kg and over.

In Feed- Calculate accurately the weight of the pigs and measure out dose accurately. Dose at the rate of 5mL/10kg.  Hence 10 pigs of 40kg will need 200mL.  Add sufficient water or skim milk to dampen the mash or pellet then mix thoroughly.  May be given in skim milk only.

 NOTE: It is important with pigs that the wormer is consumed quickly, therefore make sure that the pigs are slightly hungry before administration, ensure they have ample feeding space and that pigs of a comparative size are treated together. Treat small or weak pigs separately.


For the treatment of Large Round Worm, Hair Worm or Caecal Worm, dilute 100mL of Sykes Big L wormer with 2 litres of clean drinking water. If treating Large Round Worm only dilute 100mL with 3 litres of water.  The dose should be consumed in the shortest possible time. It is best to withhold water from birds for 2 hours before nightfall.  Administer medicated water so that birds will drink at daylight.  Replace with clean water after 8 hours or when medication is consumed, taking care to wash out water tanks first.  Birds under continuous light should be treated by withholding water for 2 hours, then give the medicated solution.  Dose at the rate of 350mL medicated water for each 10kg live weight. Administer in usual drinkers.

Is Big L Pig & Poultry safe to feed to young birds?

Yes Big L Pig & poultry is safe for young birds, the dose at the same rate, they just drink as much as they need.  The important thing is not to do it on too hot a day, so they don’t get stressed

How Often to Worm:

Every 3-6 months or every change of season

PIG MEAT: Do not use less than 3 days before slaughter for human consumption POULTRY MEAT: Do not use less than 7 days before slaughter for human consumption EGGS: Nil


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