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SuPerfect® is a high quality granulated superphosphate fertiliser exclusively manufactured by Incitec Pivot Fertilisers in Geelong and Portland. Ideal for top-dressing grass and legume pastures, SuPerfect combines the proven nutrient value of superphosphate with the handling advantages of a high quality granule. Compared to traditional superphosphate, SuPerfect is easier to store, transport, blend and spread. SuPerfect provides a balance of readily available key nutrients such as phosphorus, sulphur and calcium for superior pasture performance.
SuPerfect® fertiliser provides a balance of key nutrients such as phosphorus, sulphur and calcium for superior pasture performance.
Developed to combine the proven advantages of superphosphate with a high quality granule, SuPerfect is better to handle, blend and spread.
This fertiliser provides excellent nutrient distribution to encourage uniform and healthy plant growth.
Nutrients are supplied in forms readily available to plants, such as water-soluble phosphorus and sulphate sulphur.
SuPerfect also delivers the highest ratio of sulphate sulphur to phosphorus compared with all other pasture fertilisers.
Designed to maximise pasture growth throughout the year, SuPerfect is ideal for clover-based pasture production.
A balanced supply of phosphorus, sulphur and calcium
Improves feed quality and quantity
Granulated for easier storage, handling and spreading
Immediate plant availability
More evenly sized granules provide improved accuracy at spreading.
Our Nutrient Advantage® soil and plant tissue testing service can help you use SuPerfect more effectively. For 50 years, we have been helping farmers gain an important advantage through dependable nutrient analysis and (if you ask us for it) expert, objective recommendations based on your local conditions
A great product for great pasture SuPerfect is ideal for clover-based pasture production. The Hamilton long-term phosphate trial showed that consistently using single superphosphate (SuPerfect) will improve the quality of pasture and support higher stocking rates.1 Plenty of sulphur SuPerfect delivers a higher ratio of sulphate sulphur to phosphorus than many other pasture fertilisers. Sulphur is critical for pasture based legume systems with recommended annual applications of 10–15kg sulphur per hectare per year. Readily available nutrients As well as providing sulphur in the plant-available sulphate form, SuPerfect contains orthophosphate, an inorganic form of phosphorus which is water soluble and plant available.
Spreading before the break
By applying SuPerfect before the autumn break, you give your pastures access to both phosphorus and sulphur as soon as they start growing, promoting excellent root growth and early seedling vigour
Monitoring levels of nutrition
Regular soil and plant tissue testing helps ensure that your fertiliser program matches your pasture’s needs. Using the test results as a guide, you may find that applying SuPerfect with other nutrients such as muriate of potash or trace elements will enhance pasture production.
The value of higher rates
As the graph below shows, using higher rates of SuPerfect can improve the composition of pasture. Low quality feed like onion grass and wallaby grass fall out of the mix as improved pasture species like clover and ryegrass increase.