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282 /home/abuco/ABU_SHOP/USER_FOLDERS/
Key Ingredients per KG
Digestible Energy 9.1MJ | Crude Protein 283g |
Calcium 64g | Lysine 27g |
Methionine 11.4g | Arginine 28g |
Threonine 11.6g | Magnesium 10.8g |
Potassium 9.7g | Sodium 1.6g |
Sulphur 5.2g | Iron 449mg |
Zinc 452mg | Copper 220mg |
Manganese 327mg | Iodine 4.34mg |
Vitamin A 50,000IU | Vitamin D 21,000IU |
Vitamin E 835IU | Folic Acid 42mg |
Inositol 30mg | Fibre 72g |
Oil 47g |
300-600g daily added to the ration. Ideally, pellets should be divided equally between morning and evening feeds.