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The pelleted supplement also contains three forms of iron and muscle antioxidants to meet the increased metabolic demands of endurance horses, while optimising stamina and recovery.
Marathon Endurance was specifically designed by Kohnke’s Own after many years of trials with top Endurance competitors and contains concentrated levels of iron and essential muscle antioxidants which are important to ensure stamina and recovery when horses are worked over long distances.
Endurance horses have the highest daily requirement for energy and many other nutrients compared to all other working horses. Marathon Endurance meets their increased needs in a concentrated trace-mineral and vitamin supplement, all you need to add is calcium and salts relative to exercise needs and sweat loss.
Daily supplementation rates from 40 – 60 grams per day (for endurance horses 400-450kg bodyweight) provide a practical guideline for supplementing the diets of horses in early training or regular long distance competition.
Even when feeding prepared, commercial ‘complete’ feeds designed for high intensity work, many trainers choose to boost nutrient content and optimise energy efficiency by adding 40 g of Marathon Endurance to the ration for the last 5 days before and after racing.