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As cat lovers, we have developed Elite with all the benefits of a great litter.
What we love about Elite Cat Litter:
• 100% pure pine
• No additives
• Long lasting
• Highly absorbent
• Fresh smell- no more odours
• No tracking of litter outside the tray- less mess
• Fully biodegradable- composts well and great on the garden
• Suitable for all small animals – guinea pigs, rabbits, birds, chook yards and reptiles
• Available in economical 15kg bags
Elite cat litter is best used in a sieve tray although it can be used in regular single tray.
A DIY sieve tray is easily made with two storage boxes with handles. Drill holes 2cm apart all over the bottom of one. Sit it on top of the other. Make sure there is a gap between the bottom of the top one and the bottom one.
When the pellets are wet after use, they break down to fine sawdust particles making it easy to sieve through to the bottom tray and dispose of. There is no dust. The solid waste is easily removed from the top.